On the week 8, Rocio and me did an ethics activity. It was really interesting saw different analysis perspectives of the ethics as in the case of Joshua Daspit that he want to analice how culture influence affects the perception of work ethic or the paper of Susan Linz that analyze if the age of the workers affects more than culture or the work by John Merlac about work ethics as predictor of task persistence.
After that activity I discover myself want to know which others paper take the ethics in different areas that can affect not just the honesty (that is in the area that we usually see it) but also in a productive perspective.
Rocio and me, talk about our points of view about this activity and conclude that work ethics can change around the world so that why have so many areas of analysis.

On Wednesday we read on teams about the "English as a global Language" and did a summary about the most important ideas.
On Thursday, Rocio and me did the Shakespeare activity about his life, work, and the mystery around his life. I did't know that he invented a lot of words like addiction, arch-villain, assasination, cold-blooded and more.
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