Week 16
Today is my last class of the English course, I'm happy for it (because I have finals and projects)but also is sad know that I won't see a some of my classmates.The activity for today is a questionnaire about our course that we can do the activity out of our classroom.
Because the activity can be done in other place, I didn't go to the classroom but...
I just want to thanks to the professor all the effort that he did, I know that be a teacher isn't easy but he really try to do his best. The class is really dynamic, and normally a language course isn't. I enjoy all the different activities and movies that cause and impact in our process to reinforce English.
Also because I learned that I can live without my cellphone more than 1 hour and the world is still as we know it and to be on time especially on lectures days otherwise I knew that the teacher will ask me what I though about the lectures of the day.
Great picture!